Life on the Swingset - The Swinging & Polyamory Podcast

The past two episodes have been live recordings in front of an audience of folks anxious to listen to us talk about non-monogamy and swinging. Our “toury-ness” has brought us to San Francisco, Washington DC, Los Angeles, and Milwaukee. On the road we’ve learned about our audience, we’ve learned about ourselves. Tonight on Life on the Swingset, the podcast, we talk about what it has taught us, why we continue to meet, and the importance and risks associated with gathering with fellow sex geeks and educators. We also spend some time reconnecting since, in the world of cons and presentations, time flies right by.

Slots for our "The Swingset Takes Desire 2014" trip are open! Visit to join us!

Direct download: swingset136.mp3
Category:Swingset -- posted at: 1:46pm CDT